Liv Shreeves

Introducing You to Our Research

We began this project by watching "Food Inc" in our writing class.  "Food Inc" opened our eyes to the ways in which GMOs may be affecting our health, and families and farmers whose lives have been deeply affected by the changes in agriculture that have been happening over the last few years.  The movie inspired our group to deeply consider the many controversies and issues that are plaguing our food industries and our dinner plates.  Joel Salatin had stated "I think it's one of the most important battles for consumers to fight: the right to know what's in their food, and how it was grown" (Food, Inc. 2008).   We decided to use this as a base to jump from, and discover the affordances and constraints of organic farming and what is now called "conventional farming", or farming involving the use of GMOs and pesticides.
    We hoped to give a balanced offense on the issue - we wanted to portray both the positives and the negatives of GMO foods.  We wanted to give our readers the opportunity to make an informed decision for themselves regarding the issue.  Our research was conducted through interviews, personal experiences, and good "old fashioned" searching for information and articles online.

We would like to take the time to orient you to our personal viewpoints prior to research.