Liv Shreeves
Collaborative project: due tonight?
Status: Finished, and yet not.

Why is it that every time I sit down on my computer, I impulsively add more and change things in the collaborative research project? No matter how much research I've done, I still feel unsatisfied.  I feel like there is so much more that needs to be done - I need more and more evidence to prove a point,  I feel as if I did not explain something clearly, I need a different transition.  I need to edit, remove, re-write, add in, change the format of my in-text citations, mess around more with the annotated bib  I want to go deeper and deeper into the issues and cover more ground, but I am out of time and have to leave it as is for a grade as of tonight.  For the last two weeks I have been obsessing over getting it right, and I am so unsettled with the idea of having to leave it alone.  I know it is something that I can continue on by myself even after the semester is over and continue to develop it for other purposes (even if only for myself), but I can't knock the feeling of not being satisfied with where it is right now.  I can't stand it. 

I wish I had this same feeling about my Twitterive - I feel like that is the project where the insane amount of revisions and continual development should be taking place, but I guess it was never a project that I felt comfortable with.  I have been dreading putting in the final revisions to the Twitterive and actually publishing them, because I hate having my personal experiences and relationships with people exposed.  I don't want you to read about the different kinds of conversations I have with my co-workers and how our relationships have changed and grown over the past few years, even if it will give more substance to the project and "put myself" more into it. It's even more difficult to write about now, because I can tell that even in the last few months, my relationship to my chosen "place" has changed considerably.  I do not feel the same about it as I once did, and a lot of it has to do with those who I purposefully left out of the Twitterive. I almost wish I did my Twitterive on something else that didn't bring on so much anxiety to write about. 

I have learned this semester that when I want to write about myself, I am much more comfortable and prone to tackling an issue and putting my opinion out there and backing it up through research.  If you ever want to know anything about me, you'll find it there, because I am much more likely to go even deeper into an issue than I am to go deeper into a na.  Personal projects like the Twitterive are just not my thing.  I'm not willing to open up that much yet, and I feel that research-based projects keep me at a comfortable distance.

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