Liv Shreeves
    I am working with Kat, Jessica, and Casey. We have figure out the general topic of our project: Organic food vs Inorganic food.  We want to consider questions such as why farmers choose to use inorganic or organic crops, the differences in the expenses of the two, whether inorganic foods should be labeled, and even if they are labled, is there a way to really know for sure that they are organic.  So far, it seems to be pretty broad, but I believe that through our research, conversations, and interviews, it will flesh itself out into a cohesive project.  
    We want to include a video that shows a conversation that expresses our viewpoints prior to any real research on several of our research questions.  We hope to end our project in the same fashion, to show how our viewpoints may have changed prior to gathering information, and how these thoughts affect us as consumers, and whether we may consider making any lifestyle changes in accordance with this.
    We will also be including an interview with Jessica's mother - a cancer survivor - who believes that her choice in eating organic foods played a huge role in her recovery.  Also, we will have an interview conducted by Casey with Duffield's, an inorganic farmer's market.
    We hope to gain insight into what the driving force is behind consumer's and farmer's choices between organic and inorganic foods.
Lindsay Finkelstein
4/10/2011 09:16:07 am

I think it's a really interesting idea that you want to show videos of your opinions before and after your research. A lot of the articles say you shouldn't go in with a bias, but in this case I think you're incorporating it really well.


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